Whoa - LOTS of things going on in my quilting world, so I thought I'd share a few pictures of my most recent projects. Sadly, I didn't even take pictures of ALL of the projects. And to make matters worse I started another last night! Don't laugh I know you've all been there too!
Above is some lovely Verna by Kate Spain that I am going to use for a backing of a quilt that has yet to be started, lol. I HAD to snap it's picture though because it's so beautiful!
Some GORGEOUS Fresh Cut by Heather Bailey! I have an idea in mind for this quilt, here's to hoping it turns out wonderful!
Last but definetly not least is some Lumiere de Noel by French General. I am using KarrieLyne's pattern Crossing Paths from the Moda Bake Shop. It's going to be stunning, I just know it!
That's all for now, until next time... Adios, K.B.